Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance in kidney transplanted patients
Kidney Relief in Disasters Task Force

About us
Shortly after the start of the war in Ukraine the ERA established the Renal Disaster Relief Task Force. Its mission was to support people with kidney disease and the nephrology community in Ukraine. Today, the situation for kidney patients in Ukraine is more stable and therefore there is no urgent need for specific intervention.
After a recent meeting of the latter Task Force, a unanimous decision was reached to change its name to the “Kidney Relief in Disasters Task Force”. This name signifies an expanded mission, encompassing the continued support of renal patients and their healthcare professionals across countries within the ERA’s geographical jurisdiction facing natural and/or man-made disasters.
An open call will invite interested ERA members to join this Task Force, fostering the initiation of new projects aimed at providing relief and assistance for kidney care during times of disasters.
If you are in need of help, please contact us.
Contacts & Resources
Open call
Election of new Board Members (10 vacancies)
The Open Call aims to select the Chair and the 8 Ordinary Task Force Members.
One position is reserved for an Ex-Officio Member.
All Task Force members should be active ERA Full Members.
All candidates (including the Chair) will be evaluated and appointed by the Council.
Upon the Council’s decision, the candidates as Chairs who are not nominated in this role may be nominated as Ordinary Task Force Members.
Before applying for a position in this newly constituted Task Force, please carefully read the Kidney Relief in Disasters Task Force Regulations.
If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the relevant form by March 25, 2024 (midnight CET)
Applications received through other channels (i.e. emails) will not be considered.
Timeline and voting procedure
- The deadline for submitting applications is March 25, 2024 (midnight CET).
- The ERA HQs will evaluate the conformity of applications.
- The Council will evaluate all eligible candidates to appoint the Chair and the 8 Ordinary Task Force Members.
- The KRDTF Chair and Ordinary Task Force Members will be notified and enter into force by April 2024.
Task Force Members

Serhan Tuglular
Kai-Uwe Eckardt, Germany
Daniel Gallego, Spain
Dmytro Ivanov, Ukraine
Anna Klis, Poland
Olena Loboda, Ukraine
Valerie Luyckx, Switzerland
Ionut Nistor, Romania
Edita Nourisiene, Lithuania
Ewa Pawlowicz, Poland
Rukshana Shroff, United Kingdom
Mehmet Şükrü Sever, Türkiye
Andrej Skoberne, Slovenia
Raymond Vanholder, Belgium
Andrzej Więcek, Poland
Stefano Stuard, Germany