Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance in kidney transplanted patients
Sponsors & Exhibitors
ERA organizes the largest annual Nephrology Congress in Europe, welcoming thousands of attendees coming from all over the world, focusing on key learning features both in the clinical field as well as the scientific and latest innovations

Congress Organisation/PCO
Interplan is the appointed PCO for the 60th ERA Congress and the first point of contact with regard to the exhibition and sponsoring related questions.
Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG
Landsberger Str. 155
80687, Munich, Germany
Industry Relations Team/Industry Sales & Sponsorship
Sina Ehresmann
Sandra Rudolph
Exhibition Opening Hours
Thursday, May 23, 2024: 16:00 – 20:30
Friday, May 24, 2024: 9:30 – 17:30
Saturday, May 25, 2024: 9:30 – 17:30
Any Italian pharmaceutical company supporting or participating in a congress abroad, is subjected to an authorization by AIFA (Italian Drug Agency), according to an Italian Government Decree (Decreto Legislativo 219/06 – art. 124).
The request of authorization must be submitted within 60 days before the starting date of the event.
For any queries please contact
The appointed agency to collect all applications from pharmaceutical companies and file them with the AIFA is:
Atlante Viaggi Italia Srl
Via Bandello, 1
20123, Milan, Italy
Congress marketing
The logo/banner of the 61st ERA Congress may be used by sponsors and exhibitors of the Congress. The prerequisite is that no changes or additions are made to it. The ERA society logo MUST NOT be used on any promotional materials.
Please meet the following criteria:
1) The Congress logo/banner may only be placed on advertising material that is used exclusively for event-related initiatives.
2) In any case, it must be clearly recognizable that your company and not the ERA is the organizer of this activity.
3) The Congress logo/banner may only be used in connection with the sponsor’s logo and not alone. Both logos should be positioned equally.
4) The following sentence must be included on all materials: “The ERA assumes no responsibility for the information published in this document.”
5) The Congress logo should only be displayed with white background.
Please note that materials must be approved by ERA BEFORE publication.
These rules are applicable for all kind of publications including any social media activities/posts.
Please follow the ERA Congress Brand Guidelines.
Embrace sustainability
ERA encourages sponsors and exhibitors to embrace sustainable initiatives, reduce their carbon footprint, and support environmentally responsible practices.
Let’s work towards a greener and healthier future.