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Jennifer’s story

The ERA Awards for Young Investigators empowering global recognition

Jennifer Lees

Jennifer Lees

United Kingdom
Winner of the 2022 ERA Eberhard Ritz Award for Young Investigators in Clinical Science

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Aurora Perez Gomez
Aurora Perez Gomez

The ERA National Grant is a recognition of my work by the most important European society in the field of Nephrology. As I aim to pursue my scientific career in Nephrology, this grant holds significant value and deserves a place on my CV.

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Turgay Saritas
Turgay Saritas

The ERA Young Investigator Award has notably advanced my professional standing, enhancing both my visibility and credibility as a clinician scientist.

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Anna Rinaldi
Anna Rinaldi

ERA National grant initiative stimulates young members to become an active member of the nephrology society and contributes to the development of their career.

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Share your story, inspire others, and celebrate the ERA Community

Let your voice be heard, inspire others, and celebrate the ERA Community by being a part of this exciting project. We look forward to receiving your stories and showcasing the remarkable individuals who make up our association.