Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance in kidney transplanted patients
Italian castagnole (with protein-free ingredients)
Easy, 1 hour

Level: Easy
Preparation time: 50 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Yields: 30-35 pieces
Country: Italy

Recipe submitted by Serena Tassi on behalf of Società Italiana di Nefrologia
About this recipe
Italian castagnole are one of the most popular carnival deep-fried sweets.
- 150 g protein-free flour or 200 g type “00” flour
- 50 g type “00” flour
- 1 egg and 3 egg whites
- 1 egg and 3 egg whites
- 40 g sugar
- Rind of half a lemon
- A spoon of aniseed liqueur
- Vanilla bean
- Peanut oil
- Baking powder
Calories per serving
40 kcal
Calories (normal flour)
kcal 42
g 5
Carbohydrates (normal flour)
g 5,9
g 2
Lipids (normal flour)
g 1,8
mg 5
Phosphate (normal flour)
mg 9,3
mg 7,8
Potassium (normal flour)
mg 13,4
g 0,5
Protein (normal flour)
g 1
mg 4
Sodium (normal flour)
mg 7,2
- Add the seeds of the vanilla bean to the sugar, add them both to the flours.
- Add also the eggs, the softened butter, the grated rind of the lemon and the spoonful of aniseed liqueur.
- Add the sifted yeast to everything and mix well.
- Transfer the dough onto a work surface and kneed until a smooth dough in obtain.
- Place in a bowl, cover with a cling film and leave to rest for 30-40 min.
- After this time take the dough at a time and work it in order to obtain little balls.
- In a large pan heat plenty of peanut oil and start frying the balls. To obtain a good frying the dameselfish must remain in contact with the oil for the shortest possible time.
- Once golden, drain the castagnole well and transfer to absorbent paper to dry the excess oil.
- Sprinkle with sugar to taste.